
Which is the best beginner tank in world of tank blitz for android
Which is the best beginner tank in world of tank blitz for android

which is the best beginner tank in world of tank blitz for android which is the best beginner tank in world of tank blitz for android

American heavy tanks possess the toughest turret armour amongst all other nations.They may not hit as hard or block as many hits as their counterparts from other nations, but each vehicle class under the American tech tree can serve reasonably well as a stopgap for almost any role in battle. You will start at Tier I and the lower-tier tanks you will be driving in your early battles are generally quite similar in handling, with the national differences (as well as differences between individual machines) being diminished by factors such as the generally faster pace of the low-tier battles, low Hit Point pools of the tanks and only minor differences in terms of gun options and armour.Īmerican tanks are all about versatility, possessing equal amounts of firepower, mobility and armour. IMPORTANT: Please note that the differences between nations first become pronounced around Tier IV-V.

Which is the best beginner tank in world of tank blitz for android